theSoundsOf // Music Non Stop

theSoundsOf // series is our generative music interpretation of various Web3 and NFT projects. We use the collection's original data, traits, interactive controls as well as real-time data to influence the musical output for every token within the collection powered by our generative Music Engine.

Chromie Squiggle theSoundsOf // Chromie Squiggle

Original Artist: Snowfro

Synthesized in real-time and directly in your browser, our generative Music Engine utilizes the unique traits of the Chromie Squiggle collection by Snowfro to create an immersive listening experience, unique to each of the 10,000 Squiggles. Use the real-time controls to interact with your Squiggle and its generative music.

? Announcing Soon...

Original Artist: ?

We will release the second project in the series in the coming weeks. Stay tuned...

To learn more about "theSoundsOf" series, explore the development of our generative Music Engine, or discover more about us as artists, please visit our Music Non Stop website below

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